At J AMARAL ADVOGADOS, operating areas are incorporated into the law firm services according to the profile and progress of clients’ businesses, by means of permanent confirmation of innovation patterns adopted in the management of legal issues.
Specialized activity in essencial areasof corporate life
Representation and defense of clients' interests before agencies of the Judiciary and of the Federal and State Prosecutor's Office, especially in civil inquiries and the like, following the complete progress of the proceedings, including negotiation of alternative courses of action in possible disputes (Term for the Adjustment of Conduct and litigation settlements in and out-of-court). Within the sphere of Corporate Law, fostering the analysis of risks, costs, time and variable items for planning and decision making in disputes, by understading and applying legal doctrine, subject to the strategic vision of corporate law. Support in issues involving the exercise of legal acts, issues relative to property, ownership, collection of credits, civil liability, obligations and other matters. Representation of clients, whether individuals or entities, in court as well as in alternative courses of conduct for the solution of disputes, particularly mediation and arbitration. Within the sphere of public law, a strong performance and representation of clients in administrative improbity suits, public civil actions and popular actions.
Assistance in labor inquiries with a preventive focus, in an attempt to avoid contingencies, liabilities and responsibilities. Synergy with internal legal offices, as well as with financial areas and the areas of human resources, in discussing inquiries, and in the preparation of procedural defense. Analysis of contingencies and of the cost-benefit relation with respect to litigation and the advisability of its maintenance. Defense in preparatory procedures and public civil inquiries brought by the Ministério Público do Trabalho (MPT `{`Labor Public Prosecutor Office (MPT)`}`, in tax assessment notices issued by the Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego (SRTE) `{`Regional Superintendency of Labor and Employment`}`, in labor claims whether individual or collective (filed by employees or by their trade union), in public civil actions brought by the MPT, investigation of contingencies and hidden liabilities, outsourcing services and contracting independent suppliers and agents, collective bargaining with trade unions of several industries.
Representation in court and in courts of arbitration, preparation and negotiation of arbitration agreements, review and counseling. Preliminary negotiation dealings, settlement and mediation of disputes. Consulting for the adoption of proper methods for the solution of disputes, based on a business and practical perspective.
Advisory services in consulting and litigating areas for negotiation, execution, construction, monitoring and complying with high complexity contracts in Brazil and abroad, including agreements for the purchase and sale of goods, representation, provision of goods and services, loans, licensing, concessions, distribution, leasing, among others.
Acting in incorporation procedures, court-supervised reorganization procedures, consolidation or merger of companies and associations, joint ventures, negotiation of purchase and sale of equity shares or assets of companies, preparation and registration of corresponding documents. Acting in corporate litigation, with court defense of the client's interests.
Acting in consulting about tax and customs aspects, relative to corporate reorganization and national and international tax planning, as well as analyses about especific tax issues related to several industries of the economy. Conducting audits in corporate operations, in addition to acting in administrative, tax and legal litigation as well as in the provision of advisory services to clients while analysing tax benefits, administrative inquiries and requests for special regime related to the activities held by those companies.
Acting in divorce and disputes involving family relations, estate organization and succession planning, monitoring inventories and listing of assets, settlement among heirs, asset sharing, preparation of wills and a last will statements. Decision on issues about children, dissolution of marriage, property rights and allimony, formation and dissolution of a stable union, de facto partnerships and the like.
Acting in court-assisted reorganizations, whether on behalf of the company that may need a court-supervised reorganization, or in defending creditors' interests that seek their credits. Preparation of business-legal strategies, court-assisted reorganization plans, understandings with creditors and legal administrators, and conduction of procedures to enable the reorganization of the company. Defense of the interests of creditors relative to the court-assisted reorganization, as well as of creditors that do not accept the court-assisted reorganization plan.